Used – The Bullet’s Flight from Powder to Target – The Ballistics of Small Arms



SKU: P-HC-88 Categories: , , ,

Condition: Very Good – 391 Pages

This is for Single Shot shooters!
It is an intense study of everything that you need to know about the bullet from the time the trigger is pulled until the bullet hits the target! It is illustrated with 188 plates showing the results of over 300 rifle experiments performed and chronologically arranged. The wide scope material addressed in this book precludes listing all the topics but this is a must have for any serious single shot competitor!.

Originally printed in 1909, this reprint was done in 1980, using Harry M Pope’s personal copy of the book. It includes all the margin notes made by Harry Pope and is signed by Allen Pope in 1950.

Printed in 1980 – 391 pages – Signed by Allen Pope with margin notes by Harry M Pope – Hard bound. Condition: Very Good.


Authors – Franklin W Mann – Mar Notes – HM Pope

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Used – The Bullet’s Flight from Powder to Target – The Ballistics of Small Arms
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