Condition: Very Good – 210 Pages
The Ultimate in Rifle Accuracy contains invaluable information for getting the most out of your equipment and yourself! It is enhanced with numerous pictures and diagrams.
Topics include the following:
- Safety
- History
- The Rifle – Stocks – Actions – Barrels – Scopes
- The 6PPC
- Benchrest Bullets
- The Bench and Bench Technique
- What is a Match
- Wind Shooting
- Advanced Wind Shooting
- Wind Flags
- Mirage
- Practice and Competition
- Light Varmint
- Heavy Varmint
- Unlimited/Heavy Bench
- Hunter Rifles
- Case Preparation
- Loading Technique and Load Selection
- Cleaning Technique
- Benchrest Techniques for Hunting Rifles
- Troubleshooting
Printed in 1989 – 210 pages – Soft bound. Condition: Very Good.