Condition: Good – 124 Pages
The Kentucky Rifle is an invaluable study of the origin and development of a purely American style of firearm with accurate historical data concerning early Colonial gunsmiths. It is enhanced with numerous pictures, schematics and charts. Please Note: This copy is signed by Milo B Taylor, California.
Topics include the following:
- The Name Kentucky
- The Evolution of the American Rifle
- The Kentucky and Game
- The Rifle That was Needed
- Where and by Whom the Kentucky Rifle was Made
- Materials Used
- Characteristics of the Early Rifle
- Flintlock Barrels
- Who Rifled the Barrels
- The Pioneer and his Rifle
- Triggers and Sights of the Flintlock Days
- Powder, Bullets, Velocities and Penetration
- The Flintlock as a Practical Arm
- The Rifle in the Revolution
- Powder Horns and Game Bags
- The Rifle and the Redskin
- Identification of Kentucky Rifles
- Spurious Kentuckys and Forgeries
- Reconditioning Flintlocks
- The Passing of the Kentucky Rifle
Printed in 1924 – 124 pages – Hard bound. Condition: Good.