Condition: Fair – 655 Pages
The Sportsman’s Guide to Game Animals is a field book of the North American species. Garnered from first-hand observations, it contains both timeless and invaluable information of wildlife behavior and reactions. It is enhanced with numerous photographs and maps.
Wildlife included are as follows:
- Pounched Mammals – Order Marsupialia
- Opossum
- Carnivores – Order Carnivora
- Black Bear
- Alaskan Brown Bear
- Grizzly Bear
- Raccoon
- Gray and Red Wolves
- Gray Fox
- Arctic Fox
- Coyote
- Jaguar
- Mountain Loin
- Lynx
- Bobcat
- Seals and Walrus – Order Pinnipedia
- Harbor Seal
- Walrus
- Rodents – Order Rodentia
- Woodchuck
- Yellow-Bellied Marmot
- Hoary Marmot
- Grey Squirrel
- Fox Squirrel
- Arctic Ground Squirrel
- Prairie Dog
- Porcupine
- Brown Rat
- Hares and Rabbits – Order Lagomorpha
- Cottontail
- Varying Hare
- Arctic Hare
- Jackrabbit
- European Rabbit
- Hoofed Mammals – Order Artiodactyla
- Collared Peccary
- European Wild Hog
- Elk
- Whitetail Deer
- Mule Deer
- Moose
- Caribou
- Pronghorn
- Bison
- Bighorn Sheep
- Dall Sheep
- Mountain Goat
Printed in 1970 – Sixth Printing – 655 pages – Hard bound. Condition: Fair.